Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Five Pandavaz!!!!

People around me claim i am in love. I say no..........but the more i deny it the stronger they believe it. Best way out...confuse them. Now they are sure i am in love but with whom????? Thats the puzzle they are out to solve.

There are 5 amazing guys in my college life...........one better than the other. To me they are all good friends but to the third eye each one is a prospective so called boyfriend. Lets start off with "KEiKU" whom i usually call "COOKIE".

First thing u'll notice about him are his eyes......and if hez in a state of motion then his out of the world walk. A complete Punjabi, not judgemental at all, very affectionate, loves food, very loving and caring but also at times could come forward as a very insensitive non caring person. Don't judge him or misunderstand him before you get to know him. And not to forget about all da chic flicks who go ga ga over him....wonder what they see in him. Hez an awesome actor and performer. He has inherited a salman khan trait of taking his shirt off at any time............not to make an impression but just coz he feels hot........ :)

Next in is "Menonz"...................a complete sweetheart at that. Quite sensitive and observant to others needs and i must admit quite mature for his age. His best Feature has gotta be his Butt that sticks out. He loves food, Films and fun. Is a very good actor but i dun think others know that yet.... Quite straightforward and very caring. Hates me when i confuse him with mad feelings and emotions at odd times.... Overall a guy who has his own share of chic admirers.....
Go get him gals coz i think he knows to cook as well...

Hmmm!!! Next in is my dear Hubby, RACERboi!!!! Yup hez the ulmitate guy. He has indulged himself into Racing which is his passion and his first love. Quite principled and straight forward he has a rare sense of humour. He can cook and clean and has strong views against MCPs.
And inspite of all theses rare qualities, he aint gay. now dats a plus point. Well i call him Hubby cos he is my husband iun the college famlily and oh i'm so proud of him.....we have adopted a son as well together......just for kicks....

Next one to grace this position is...........

suspense trails on....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


"I feared CHANGE, Until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly had to undergo a METAMORPHOSIS before it could fly."

I read this line somewhere some years ago and i am not ashamed to say, a line as simple as the above changed my outlook towards what i till date refered to as LIFE. I realised the meaning of the phrase, 'the pen is mightier than the sword.' Word power is what i call it at this point. The above line is simple yet powerful.... strong enough to change aspects of my life.
I don't quite recall when, why or how i developed a phobia against change, but the closest most sane reason i could come up with was something i would rather not explore. I was about 13yrs old and one of my most powerful interactions with 'drastic change' also coincided to be one of my most sadistic unforgettable moments. I read once, that death doesn't take just the corpse but also a part of the living loved ones. If this holds true then i would say that a part of me was buried six feet under along with my DAD... my best friend.

If i had the describe my first awareness of change it has got to be this...
It felt like someone had just punched to air out of me, a hurricane had just cut my air supply, and most of it i can't even use words to describe.
Heard this phrase, "Once bitten, twice shy."
It quite applies to this scenario. I didn't want anything else to change in my life.
I wouldn't have the ability to tolerate it.
I held on to my old clothes, my old books etc....
I didn't want anything new.... somehow i despised this face of change ie novelty.
But it was around those stubborn times that i came across this line and it changed my life around.
Today i can proudly say I am the most unpredictable person around and i am in love with change. I embrace it with open arms every time it decides to drop by.
Let me clarify that i haven't ventured towards a more extreme approach but just that i have learnt the truth the hard way of course that life is all about change.
If you can't fight it, enjoy it.
I have yet to complete my METAMORPHOSIS, but stepping in the right direction with the right attitude is half the battle won.
I will complete that transformation in the near future and when that happens I'll know i earned it right to the very last change.


Our college festival "KIRAN" completes a decade as we soar into our tenth year. Our theme this year, "UDAAN....CHHULO AASMAAN" completely defines our college outlook. Every year approximately 60 colleges take flight along with us as we are encouraged and cheered on by an audience of over 12000. Our 'flight schedule' includes Fine Arts, Literary Arts, Western Performing Arts, Indian Performing Arts and Sports. If you feel the need to freshen up from a jet lag we have In formals too. Our flight landings include supporting social causes as well as providing entertainment. So join us as we spread our wings and take flight, the sky is the limit.

(Description of my college festival . K.C. College)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Boys v/s Girls..............The Battle.

The debate in class............
age old topic.
Boys v/s Girls.
No conclusion, no end.
The usual.......
Thou i Boycotted the Debate
My mind traveled away from the confinement and limitations of the
Just recently a new show had aired on television.
Their strategy was clear.
Girls V/S Boys on the Dance floor.
Interesting usage of an age old unending argument to raise TRPS.
The advertisements as well.....
Products for women.........its a shame shame situation if men use it.
Fair and Lovely v/s Fair and Handsome
Pink v/s Blue
Dolls v/s Cars
Times have changed.
We have travelled way beyond these gender barriers.
Exceptions have taken shape.
Girls talk CARS and Electronics.
Boys talk Fabric and Fashion.
Get Out of The traditional mindset.
We claim to hate each other and yet.....
we seek "Forever" in the other.
Wonder how our passive generation doesn't see thru these cunning, money making tactics.
Stop indulging in an age old argument,
a trend..........."START THINKING".
Ha trick!!!
Wow! Loved it as much as the first time.
Jaane Tu... ya janne nah.
Don't think its just the movie.
Its the company that i enjoyed more.
Could relate to the story as well...
Thou i so dun agree with the end.
Not that i didn't want them together,
Its just that sumtimes ....
You have a different perspective.
People can share that level of closure...
without the want of a romantic twist.
But i still continue to travel sing da songs.......
Paapu can't dance saala... :D


Da alarm cloak ditched me today.
But my Bio cloak didn't.
Its like when your meant to reach somewhere.
Nothing can stop ya.


Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School
about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school.
He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1:
Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2:
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3:
You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4:
If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5:
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6:
If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7:
Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8:
Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9:
Life is not divided into semesters.. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10:
Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11:
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one

(I found the above teachings very thought provoking and hence decided to share it.)


I had just got back and as i went to keep my shoes on the shoe stand, something interesting caught my eye. I was like Mum look your Kolahpuris are fighting with your Stiletto's. It might be a status war and it seems like the KOLHAZ are winning. Mum just laughed and said, "Keep me updated on the fight. Hope they don't tear out each others eyes or else they are going to be of no use to me." My aunt who was a silent spectator to all the drama up to this point sarcastically said, "When will this girl grow up. Seems like a part of her childhood ignorance is still trapped in her soul. Its going to ruin her." Even though I'm quite sure she meant to insult me it almost felt like my ears were graced with one of the best compliments in a long time. I was quite fascinated to know that time hadn't been able to whither the "imaginative awe factor" that governed my childhood moments. Why are we all in a critical hurry to grow up? What is growing up all about? Does it mean shedding all the good aspects like awe, innocence, imagination, creativity, a "i don't care whether others are judging me attitude", the freedom to express our feelings, react to our surroundings etc. If we willingly let go of the best things in our life then what we call life is it really LIFE? I don't mind being labeled as childish, kiddish, etc if it means my creative soul is still alive and ticking. I proudly claim, "I Don't Want to Grow Up!!!" I just want to be "me" and live my life which is a partnership of dreams and reality. Would i ask for a better deal? No ways.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Have u ever felt like you were destined to meet someone. Come what may by hook or by crook you were supposed to meet that person. You wonder what are the odds that the two of you happened to take similar decisions and your choices gave the two of you common ground. You ever felt like u need this person in your life? Things just coincide and fall in place.You just know it that u need this person and this person needs you but for completely different reasons. You just feel this strong pull towards the person. You don't know what this connection is all about. You just can't dig up any reasons for the same.You feel like u have the power to change their life and make all the difference. You don't know whats running in the person's mental framework. But there is something you see in their eyes. Is it gratitude, hope or just the acknowledging smile. You want to be there for that someone always, come what may. You feel like the two of you entered each others life with a strong purpose initiated by the wands of time and the magic of the universe. ITS FATE. And if CHANGE knocks at my door in this form i will greet it with open arms as sometimes you just know when something feels so right that you just go with the flow without a second thought or doubt. Its just that we all love to play KNIGHT In shinning armour but sometimes the rescued rescues the rescuer in RETURN...
Think about it!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Going against the TIDE!!!!

Never realised i would experience all i learnt in sociology class so early in life.
Just today our sociology professor was educating us on how we don't react to injustice and play a dumb spectator role. With the sparks of knowledge fresh in my head i went on to continue with my extra curricular work...
But what i experienced next came as a shock. Within minutes i was sandwiched between right and wrong. As i stood there i knew what was happening was wrong but i didn't know what to do or how to react. I did have all the guts required to challenge the authority figure who was the root of all the injustice been meted out. But i wanted to improve the situation for the victim not ruin it completely. How would i speak against the injustice taking shape in front of my eyes without affecting the position of power submitted to me. Would i be selfish if i didn't stand by the victim who also happens to be a very dear friend or should i just think about my position. What would give me peace of mind at the end of the day is the way i turned towards. I stood by my friend and as soon as i can i will question the authority figure about the injustice. I don't care about the fact that i may have lost out on an opportunity to earn sum certificates. All i know is i stood up for what i believed in and reached out when my friend needed me. At least i can sleep in peace at night knowing i did the right thing even if it meant going against the tide...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Has it ever happened to you.......U meet someone and the two of you click right away. You get so comfy with the person without a second thought.........mutual feelings exist.........u spend time together................u take up for each other.............can't stand it if anyone says anything to the other. You two have created your own little world................ but tongues are already wagging...........silent whispers make the rounds and before u know it the two of you are paired up. She is your girlfriend and he is your so called boyfriend. Why can't two people of the opposite gender hang out together........ is it really required that they give a name to the relationship they share.......... can't they just enjoy the fact that they enjoy each others company.......that they have found a comfort zone in the other......can't the world just leave them in their ignorant yet content world. Does the world really need to tell them where they stand....make them aware of the cruel facts of life. Can't people just keep their observations and conclusions to themselves??? This is one such situation where i believe "Ignorance is Bliss"........... Let them be, let them go.............. You don't need to be helpful and get them to face the harsh reality.................. Its their life............let them live it either ways........Don't destroy their little world.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Familiar Strangers!!!!

I sat on the flight of stairs leading to the fifth floor, exhausted. All around i seen nothing or no one i knew. But i was satisfied i had just joined some worthwhile cause, at least now i had some purpose in this so called educational building. I looked around at the scattered human beings busy in their own little world doing their defined jobs. I felt pairs of curious eyes on me. I can't sit just like that surrounded by so many interesting people just waiting to be discovered.............

So i opened my secret ice breaker.............my mouth of course and within the next half an hour i had a few people around me. We were talking and laughing...............

Time flew past us and soon it was time to depart.......so much had changed in just two hours.............here i was all set to march towards home with friends who were strangers just 2 hours ago............yet it seemed like i had known them all my life...........i wondered how could 5 strangers come together just to discover they shared such a strong bonding with each other.......what is it that attracts us to each other, keeps us connected, keeps us wanting more time spent.........i wouldn't know and i don't quite care...........All i know is that i have discovered "soul friends" at least that's the term i use..............or should i say "familiar strangers".

Love the way they have just plonked themselves into my life and that's like the best thing that could happen to me.

Monday, July 7, 2008


I was just chatting with my 10 year old nephew the other day. The topic being the usual......"parents." He kept telling me how he felt too controlled by his parents as if he was living in a cage at times. Even though the sane part of me wanted to explain to him to that it wasn't at all that way and that they loved him and all the other crap i just couldn't.........i tried but couldn't.
My mental ship had sailed through memory lane and docked at the point when i felt the same way.......... No wonder i was and still am considered the rebellious one...........after my best friend, my advisor, my support system....................IE my dad left me to go and live in god's house things haven't been the same.......that was about 7 years ago..........and till date i feel the same....caged......controlled............spyed on........lack of privacy.....
I still remember when a wave of innocent stupidity almost made me believe that if i broke the chains and ran away i would taste freedom.................the reins of my life will be in my own hands.......the plot was set in my imaginary world...........my knight in shinning armour would come and save me.............save me from my own family..........break the chains of bondage...........rescue me.......
The knight came.................but i wasn't ready to be rescued only to go from one jail to yet another..........Its then that i realised i needed to rescue myself.....Its better i start now and slowly tug on the knots strengthened by time.......
All hell breaks lose when you try to challenge the foundation of your existence and break the rules u followed religiously day in and day out......
I have lost a lot along the path i chose and yet have to brave many storms but all i know is that had i not..............i wouldn't be the person i am today............a strong opinionated girl who loves life and live by her own rules..........no more cages.............breathing freedom every second of her life.......Feels good to be free.

Back to SQUARE ONE!!!!

A few years ago if anyone asked me if I'd like to go back in time........ i would have said "yes".........Didn't realise that's where i would find myself.......

2 years have passed since June 2006 and yet i find myself in the same place. The people around me have changed and so has the set but the script remains untouched, unchanged. I'm not sure i can approach it with the same zest and enthusiasm as before. I scan the crowds for a glimpse of familiarity in the swarms of human specimens but with no luck. All this seems familiar and yet i feel alien to it all. While my peers look on with novelty i tend to smirk at their innocence.... 'Been there done that,' is the kind of attitude i have towards it all.

The optimist in me still battles its way to the surface.........makes me believe that there must be a reason for my unforgivable fate. Maybe i needed a speed breaker. Just maybe i needed a wake up call......it could be anything.......

The best step i have taken right now is the one of accepting my past but living my present with caution and the knowledge that life doesn't always work the way we plan it. My eyes are wide open now and i accept the greater force in whose hands we are mere puppets. But then again if Pinocchio could venture towards freedom and realisation then so can i......... just wait and watch.

Friday, July 4, 2008

To hAvE a CrUsH!!!!!!!

When I had my first crush,
To the surface, my feelings would rush.
I needed no reason to blush,
And my face always looked flushed.

He was standing there by my side.
But however hard I tried,
Not a single word could I speak,
And acted like a total freak.
I’m sure, even if I did try to speak,
It would sound like Greek.

When he was in sight,
U should have seen my plight.
I felt like a feather, so light,
As if flying at a great height.
With my feelings I did fight,
But it just felt so right.

Does he think of me in the same way?
Oh God!!!! Let me know today.
I hope he is sexually straight, not gay.
This has been going on for days.
A very heavy price, I’ll have to pay.

If this ever comes to an end,
My broken heart, who will mend?
In my life, here comes a big bend.
To me, a shoulder to cry, who will lend?

One fine day, he would propose to me,
By bending down, on one knee.
To my heart, his words are the key.
This would compensate as a fee.
When I dream, this is what I see.

Will this consistent beautiful dream,
Be as good as chocolate cream?
Or will I have to yell and scream?
As he just may be too mean,
And far more bitter than even Neem.

Oh god!!!!!! Why do people have crushes?
Due to slight everyday brushes.
And can’t stop once they start,
As cupid strikes their weak heart,
With an unsuspecting, blind love dart.
And they willingly play their part.
As if love were a dying art.
And jump right into the “Love Cart”
-mYsTeRy wRiTeR!!!

[I do admit, now when i look back at it i see way too much rhyming but this beauty..........a replica of my emotional typical teenage mind set back then was selected for a competition held by the magazine “WOMEN’S ERA” about 8 years ago and it earned me the 1st place as well as a thousand bucks]

The sunset is just the beginning!!!

The sunset is just the beginning!!!

Photography Wonders!!!!

Photography Wonders!!!!
Strawberry kisss....