Wednesday, July 16, 2008


"I feared CHANGE, Until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly had to undergo a METAMORPHOSIS before it could fly."

I read this line somewhere some years ago and i am not ashamed to say, a line as simple as the above changed my outlook towards what i till date refered to as LIFE. I realised the meaning of the phrase, 'the pen is mightier than the sword.' Word power is what i call it at this point. The above line is simple yet powerful.... strong enough to change aspects of my life.
I don't quite recall when, why or how i developed a phobia against change, but the closest most sane reason i could come up with was something i would rather not explore. I was about 13yrs old and one of my most powerful interactions with 'drastic change' also coincided to be one of my most sadistic unforgettable moments. I read once, that death doesn't take just the corpse but also a part of the living loved ones. If this holds true then i would say that a part of me was buried six feet under along with my DAD... my best friend.

If i had the describe my first awareness of change it has got to be this...
It felt like someone had just punched to air out of me, a hurricane had just cut my air supply, and most of it i can't even use words to describe.
Heard this phrase, "Once bitten, twice shy."
It quite applies to this scenario. I didn't want anything else to change in my life.
I wouldn't have the ability to tolerate it.
I held on to my old clothes, my old books etc....
I didn't want anything new.... somehow i despised this face of change ie novelty.
But it was around those stubborn times that i came across this line and it changed my life around.
Today i can proudly say I am the most unpredictable person around and i am in love with change. I embrace it with open arms every time it decides to drop by.
Let me clarify that i haven't ventured towards a more extreme approach but just that i have learnt the truth the hard way of course that life is all about change.
If you can't fight it, enjoy it.
I have yet to complete my METAMORPHOSIS, but stepping in the right direction with the right attitude is half the battle won.
I will complete that transformation in the near future and when that happens I'll know i earned it right to the very last change.


Comfortably Numb said...

I agree. Amen.

Nice post! Cheers!

CRD said...

sorry abt ur dad

ione thing thsts common between ius is that even i dun like throw away old possessions. ive kept some school books (even std 1) gift wrappers, greeting cards, frndship bands :P, and the likes...

mebbe i nneed to learn a lesson...

but then mebbe its ok to hold on to some part of ur past , no?


Rohan said...

A snake sheds its old skin for a new one :)
Changes give new turns to life good or bad.
Very well written :)

The Dancing Mermaid said...

Thanx so much guys!!!
Its so encouraging that exceptional bloggers like you'll have made it a point yo read and comment on wat've gotta say.
Thanx again.
Hey c r d...
I do agree that we can hold on to parts of our past....

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