Monday, July 7, 2008


I was just chatting with my 10 year old nephew the other day. The topic being the usual......"parents." He kept telling me how he felt too controlled by his parents as if he was living in a cage at times. Even though the sane part of me wanted to explain to him to that it wasn't at all that way and that they loved him and all the other crap i just couldn't.........i tried but couldn't.
My mental ship had sailed through memory lane and docked at the point when i felt the same way.......... No wonder i was and still am considered the rebellious one...........after my best friend, my advisor, my support system....................IE my dad left me to go and live in god's house things haven't been the same.......that was about 7 years ago..........and till date i feel the same....caged......controlled............spyed on........lack of privacy.....
I still remember when a wave of innocent stupidity almost made me believe that if i broke the chains and ran away i would taste freedom.................the reins of my life will be in my own hands.......the plot was set in my imaginary knight in shinning armour would come and save me from my own family..........break the chains of bondage...........rescue me.......
The knight came.................but i wasn't ready to be rescued only to go from one jail to yet another..........Its then that i realised i needed to rescue myself.....Its better i start now and slowly tug on the knots strengthened by time.......
All hell breaks lose when you try to challenge the foundation of your existence and break the rules u followed religiously day in and day out......
I have lost a lot along the path i chose and yet have to brave many storms but all i know is that had i not..............i wouldn't be the person i am today............a strong opinionated girl who loves life and live by her own more cages.............breathing freedom every second of her life.......Feels good to be free.

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