Friday, July 4, 2008

To hAvE a CrUsH!!!!!!!

When I had my first crush,
To the surface, my feelings would rush.
I needed no reason to blush,
And my face always looked flushed.

He was standing there by my side.
But however hard I tried,
Not a single word could I speak,
And acted like a total freak.
I’m sure, even if I did try to speak,
It would sound like Greek.

When he was in sight,
U should have seen my plight.
I felt like a feather, so light,
As if flying at a great height.
With my feelings I did fight,
But it just felt so right.

Does he think of me in the same way?
Oh God!!!! Let me know today.
I hope he is sexually straight, not gay.
This has been going on for days.
A very heavy price, I’ll have to pay.

If this ever comes to an end,
My broken heart, who will mend?
In my life, here comes a big bend.
To me, a shoulder to cry, who will lend?

One fine day, he would propose to me,
By bending down, on one knee.
To my heart, his words are the key.
This would compensate as a fee.
When I dream, this is what I see.

Will this consistent beautiful dream,
Be as good as chocolate cream?
Or will I have to yell and scream?
As he just may be too mean,
And far more bitter than even Neem.

Oh god!!!!!! Why do people have crushes?
Due to slight everyday brushes.
And can’t stop once they start,
As cupid strikes their weak heart,
With an unsuspecting, blind love dart.
And they willingly play their part.
As if love were a dying art.
And jump right into the “Love Cart”
-mYsTeRy wRiTeR!!!

[I do admit, now when i look back at it i see way too much rhyming but this beauty..........a replica of my emotional typical teenage mind set back then was selected for a competition held by the magazine “WOMEN’S ERA” about 8 years ago and it earned me the 1st place as well as a thousand bucks]

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